Listen to a story, 'bout a Dragon named Frank...
Hangin' at the Opera House, where he played and drank..
When one night, while shootin' 8 ball...
In came the Tigress, walkin' down the hall...
Jeanne that is....
Red hair....Tight Jeans.

Well when he saw that Redhead, He wondered who's that girl?
'Wonder if she's single, would she give me a whirl"

What he didn't know, She wondered the same thing...
"Who's that long haired man, and does he wear a ring?"
Married that is....
Was he....? Or not....

While he was playing pool, and she was playing darts...
Both of them wonderin', how to share their hearts,
Then one night....She bumped into him.....

Looked at his hand, and then began to grin....
No ring that is....
He's single... And interested.

Well they were both shy, sittin 'cross the room,
Neither of 'em talking, they didn't have a clue,
They almost gave up, 'cause the didn't have a plan,
When through the back door, in came walking Anne.
Anne Smith that is...
Five foot twelve... long hair.

Both of them she knew, and so she intervened,
She made the introductions, and then she left the scene,
They had a good time, Talking all through the night,
Went out for coffee, and stayed out 'til daylight.
Waffle House that is...
Greasy food..... Freezing booth.

Well that's how they met, Been together ever since,
The Dragon met his Lady, and she met her Prince,
Both are now happy, they found their soul mates,
One year later, They finally set the date,
Wedding that is...
May 27....2001

That is their story, some things were left out,
Some things are personal, so don't go and pout,
But all that who know us, they can surely see,
I was meant for him, and he was meant for me!
Perfect that is.....
A match... made in heaven!


well OK, OK,.... I never said I was a song writer but its cute anyway isn't it? LOL

click on the links above or below for pics and stuff that go with the story

West End Opera House/Dragon(Frank)/Tigress(Jeanne)/Anne Smith